Wednesday, 23 February 2011

e to E

I've just decided to update my Linked in profile and I've turned all the e's to E's. It seems like a small shift but in my line of work I've noticed a lot more E's these days e.g. Head of E-Business.

I think it is perhaps a lot more significant than it first appears. I think people used to define themselves more by their function or level and the 'e' was a simple gesture or nod to the fact that they were ultimately responsible for 'e'. Now people are a little more proud to be 'E' and it's showing.

In a way it seems like a step back because it separates the 'E' functions even more so, but in another way it makes the point that this thing has gotten big and deserves this focus and recognition.

There is of course another alternative view - that I am in fact looking into this way too much.

My Linked in profile >


  1. I quite agree - and in fact, I think it's more than just being a little more proud: it's recognition of the fact that being "E-" is a specific, valuable skill. Not all Business Managers would make good E-Business Managers (and the same may well be true in reverse). And employers know this: if someone's looking to take on an E- role, they'd do well to have E- somewhere else in their CV.

    Somewhat similarly, I've watched "e-mail" slowly become "email" over the years, until now the hyphenated version looks distinctly odd. What was once a variation of an accepted medium is now a noun in its own right. And rightly so: the two are very different arts.

    It's well known that the web is changing the way we read, write, connect & shop - it's no surprise that it's now changing our job titles.
